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Benefits of Bringing a Friend to Yoga Class

One of the first yoga classes I ever attended was because a friend convinced me to go with her to help me deal with stress after a difficult day.

How many of us have tagged along with a friend to a yoga class and walked away grateful for the experience? Yoga is for the individual in that we are invited to come into ourselves and focus on our breath for the duration of the practice. However, yoga buddies provide a way to remain consistent in one’s practice and support celebration of your achievements.

Here are the top 5 ways having a yoga buddy will enhance your personal practice & strengthen your relationships:


Staying consistent in your practice can be difficult on days when you may not feel quite up to it. Yoga can be one of your favorite things to do, yet on mornings when your bed is too comfortable it can be tough to find the motivation to leave. When self-motivation is too hard to find, having a yoga buddy is incredibly helpful. Calling up a friend to schedule your yoga class blocks off that time in your day and you are less likely to bail on a friend.

Building Confidence

Bringing a friend to yoga is like having your very own hype-person. They are there for you throughout your practice and help you recognize the improvements you’ve made, challenges you’ve overcome, and give great feedback. It’s always uplifting to chat with a friend after class and work through different asanas you’ve improved on. Celebrating those wins with friends are great for your confidence and help you to savor your achievements.

Strengthen Your Bond

Yoga teaches us self-compassion and compassion for others. When your friend is dealing with a difficult situation or simply venting about a hard day, yoga teaches the skills needed to be an attentive and active listener, taking into consideration what your friend may be going through and being understanding. Yoga shows us that we are all connected and the change is inevitable. Wonderful friendships are made through communication and common understanding.

Supporting Each Other

During partner yoga, we are able to literally support each other through various asanas and rely on each other for balance. This also applies to emotional support. Somedays you may feel very wobbly in pigeon pose, and other days you could be flowing through your practice with the utmost grace. Yoga friends are there for you no matter the day, and can help guide you with candid feedback. It is comforting to know that you have a trusted friend with you who is also going through similar experiences, being in sync with another person allows you to feel even more connected!

Having Fun Together

In life, we take ourselves too seriously way too frequently these days. Yoga is deeply introspective as a practice, but there is still room to laugh, have fun, and enjoy yourself. Time moves quickly when you are having fun, and this is a great way to be with friends even with a busy schedule. You don’t need to carve out an entire evening of availability, you can take a quick 75 minute class with a friend to make room for joy in your week!

2 thoughts on “Benefits of Bringing a Friend to Yoga Class

  1. During partner yoga, we are able to literally support each other through various asanas and rely on each other for balance.

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